
【字号: 日期:2024-03-18浏览:40作者:雯心
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 如何解决实施永无止境的任务的正确方法(计时器与任务)?



ITargetBlock<DateTimeOffset> CreateNeverEndingTask( Action<DateTimeOffset> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken){ // Validate parameters. if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException('action'); // Declare the block variable, it needs to be captured. ActionBlock<DateTimeOffset> block = null; // Create the block, it will call itself, so // you need to separate the declaration and // the assignment. // Async so you can wait easily when the // delay comes. block = new ActionBlock<DateTimeOffset>(async Now => {// Perform the action.action(Now);// Wait.await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), cancellationToken). // Doing this here because synchronization context more than // likely *doesn’t* need to be captured for the continuation // here. As a matter of fact, that would be downright // dangerous. ConfigureAwait(false);// Post the action back to the block.block.Post(DateTimeOffset.Now); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); // Return the block. return block;}

我选择了ActionBlock<TInput>一个DateTimeOffset结构 ;您必须传递一个类型参数,它也可能传递一些有用的状态(可以根据需要更改状态的性质)。

另外,请注意,ActionBlock<TInput>默认情况下,一次只能处理 一项,因此可以确保只处理一项操作(这意味着,当它再次调用扩展方法时,您不必处理重入)。Post



CancellationTokenSource wtoken;ActionBlock<DateTimeOffset> task;


void StartWork(){ // Create the token source. wtoken = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Set the task. task = CreateNeverEndingTask(Now => DoWork(), wtoken.Token); // Start the task. Post the time. task.Post(DateTimeOffset.Now);}


void StopWork(){ // CancellationTokenSource implements Idisposable. using (wtoken) {// Cancel. This will cancel the task.wtoken.Cancel(); } // Set everything to null, since the references // are on the class level and keeping them around // is holding onto invalid state. wtoken = null; task = null;}

您为什么要在这里使用TPL Dataflow?原因如下:



如果DoWork实际上可以使该函数处于等待状态(即,该函数返回a Task),那么您可以(可能)通过调整上面的factory方法采用aFunc<DateTimeOffset, CancellationToken,Task>而不是来优化此效果Action<DateTimeOffset>,如下所示:

ITargetBlock<DateTimeOffset> CreateNeverEndingTask( Func<DateTimeOffset, CancellationToken, Task> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken){ // Validate parameters. if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException('action'); // Declare the block variable, it needs to be captured. ActionBlock<DateTimeOffset> block = null; // Create the block, it will call itself, so // you need to separate the declaration and // the assignment. // Async so you can wait easily when the // delay comes. block = new ActionBlock<DateTimeOffset>(async Now => {// Perform the action. Wait on the result.await action(Now, cancellationToken). // Doing this here because synchronization context more than // likely *doesn’t* need to be captured for the continuation // here. As a matter of fact, that would be downright // dangerous. ConfigureAwait(false);// Wait.await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), cancellationToken). // Same as above. ConfigureAwait(false);// Post the action back to the block.block.Post(DateTimeOffset.Now); }, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = cancellationToken }); // Return the block. return block;}



Task DoWorkAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);


void StartWork(){ // Create the token source. wtoken = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Set the task. task = CreateNeverEndingTask((Now, ct) => DoWorkAsync(ct), wtoken.Token); // Start the task. Post the time. task.Post(DateTimeOffset.Now, wtoken.Token);}解决方法




CancellationTokenSource wtoken;Task task;void StopWork(){ wtoken.Cancel(); try {task.Wait(); } catch(AggregateException) { }}void StartWork(){ wtoken = new CancellationTokenSource(); task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {while (true){ wtoken.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); DoWork(); Thread.Sleep(10000);} },wtoken,TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);}void DoWork(){ // Some work that takes up to 30 seconds but isn’t returning anything.}

