所有Solaris系统的软件都以包的形式出现。 软件包包含: 软件包的描述文件 系统需求的描述文件 需要安装的文件 安装前以及安装后需要运行的脚本 The pkgadd command 用于安装软件包 pkgadd [ -d [device | pathname ]] pkg_name # pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Product SUNWaudio Processing package instance from Audio applications (sparc) 3.6.4,REV= Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Using as the package base Directory. ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 2 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying package dependencIEs. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y Installing Audio applications as ## Installing part 1 of 1. Installation of was successful. The pkginfo command 不加任何参数用于查看系统已经安装的软件包 # pkginfo | more application SUNWAxg Solaris XGL 3.3 AnswerBook application SUNWaadm Solaris 7 System Administrator Collection system SUNWab2m Solaris Documentation Server Lookup system SUNWab2r Solaris Documentation Server system SUNWab2s Solaris Documentation Server system SUNWab2u Solaris Documentation Server application SUNWabda Sun Ultra 5/10 Hardware AnswerBook application SUNWabe Solaris 7 User Collection application SUNWabsdk Solaris 7 Software Developer Collection The pkginfo Command 后面可跟一些参数,显示特定某个软件包的信息 Command Format pkginfo [ -d [ device | pathname ] ] [ -l ] pkg_name 参数 -d device 指定软件所在的位置,可以是目录、磁带机、软盘等等 -l 显示详细信息 pkg_name 软件包名 输出列 CATEGORY 软件包的类型,是“应用软件”和是“系统软件” PKGINST 软件包名,如果是SUNW打头,则是SUN的产品 NAME 软件的简要描述 # pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Product -l SUNWaudio PKGINST: SUNWaudio NAME: Audio applications CATEGORY: system ARCH: sparc VERSION: 3.6.4,REV= BASEDIR: / VENDOR: Sun Microsystems, Inc. DESC: Audio binaries PSTAMP: dtbuild37s19980813171753 HOTLINE: Please contact your local service provider STATUS: spooled FILES: 9 spooled pathnames 2 directories 3 executables 4 package information files 700 blocks used (approx) The pkgrm Command Command Format pkgrm package_name 用于删除软件包 # pkgrm SUNWaudio The following package is currently installed: SUNWaudio Audio applications (sparc) 3.6.4,REV= Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance ## Verifying package dependencies. WARNING: The package depends on the package currently being removed. WARNING: The package depends on the package currently being removed. WARNING: The package depends on the package currently being removed. WARNING: The package depends on the package currently being removed. Dependency checking failed. Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] 如果某个文件被多个包共享,则当最后一个包被删除时才被删除。 The pkgchk Command 用于检查已安装的软件包 Command Format pkgchk [ -p path1 [ path2...] ] # pkgchk SUNWaudio # # pkgchk -p /etc/group ERROR: /etc/group file size expected actual file cksum expected actual pkgchk命令校验包的属性和内容是否与系统记录的一致。 这个命令能检测整个包或是某个文件。没有输出表示包已经安装,但未发现不一致。 admintool图形管理工具 admintool是solaris图形管理工具,包括管理软件包、主机名、主机地址、打印机、串口、用户、用户组等。
Solaris 软件包管理