VistaBootPRO是第一个Windows Vista优化程序。我们知道以前我们只能通过bcdedit.exe程序修改Vista和其他Windows的多重启动菜单,这是一个命令行程序,使用很不方便,VistaBootPRO则提供了一个图形化的操作界面,修改设置一目了然。
VistaBootPRO 是全功能型的工具,它可以对Vista双启动菜单进行基本的改变,例如重命名标准的'EarlIEr versions of Windows' 和 'Microsoft Windows',将它们改为更加直观的名称。而且,它还具有更加高级的所有外形和色彩的功能,允许将操作系统添加到启动菜单和删除多余的入口,以及许多其他功能。
- Recoded application in order to provide faster and more stable means to deliver the bcdedit.exe commands
- Added color coding to Manage Entries page
- Added new icon set
- Added glass effect to VBP and About VBP forms
- Added Run As Administrator menu
- Added Diagnostics menu (Checks for rogue entries)
- Fixed the index count error
- Added Disk Manager shortcut in Tools menu
- Added MANIFEST file for automatic 'Elevation' level
- Added a 'Show OS List Color Code' link to Manage OS Entries
- Added limits to memory deduction and CPU Limit
-- Memory is total RAM - 256MB
-- CPU is limit of 1 or more, nothing less
- Boot timeout now allows up to 900 billion seconds
- Added better descriptions to all controls
- Combined Backup/Restore screens
- Added a better startup file checking
- Added a better startup layout
- Added 'ALL' feature to View Settings
- Added VGA Boot and GUI Boot
注意:VistaBootPRO 3.0已经完全兼容于 Windows Vista RC1 (Build 5600)和 Build 5728。
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