Matrax Benchmark which test your phone CPU power, graphix and 3D engine. It is supported for many different MIDP 2.0 phones测试手机CPU的电量,3D,和曲线的运行(速度) 它支持不同的Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)2.0
截不了图给个本人的测试结果: (左79R--没加速) 对比 (右79R---已加速的) Canvas size:176X182 Canvas size:176X182
Color:65536 Color:65536
电量(图标的认为是电量):103 电量(图标的认为是电量):103
Total:103 point(#save to file) Total:103 point(#save to file) Details: Details: Moving 10X10:18.7216 Moving 10X10:18.9804 Moving 15X15:15.5820 Moving 15X15:15.3117 Moving 20X20:11.9733 Moving 20X20:12.0141 File rate 25.5527 File rate 25.5017 Math speed:23.1967 Math speed:23.2619 Vector grph:7.7861 Vector grph:7.7871
给个95Ra没加速的 Canvas size:176X182 Color:32768 电量(图标的认为是电量) 127 Total:127point(#save to file) Details: Moving 10X10:23.3352 Moving 15X15:19.6264 Moving 20X20:15.1093 File rate28.4523 Math speed:23.2619 Vector grph:9.3229
Matrax Bench 2.1为JAVA软件 软件已放在《玩转手机》那里了