Use Orastress! to test your database

【字号: 日期:2024-01-11浏览:62作者:雯心
原文链接:; Orastress!的作者是Geoff Ingram,也就是我们前面介绍的orabm的作者,他曾经为Oracle工作数年,是High Performance Oracle' (ISBN: 0471224367)一书的作者.该书现在你可以在本站下载.关于该工具的官方网页在这里可以找到:!你可以在原网站下载,或选择本地下载.该工具不是开源的,缺省的只能使用一个session测试,你可以从作者那里申请临时Key,通过以下页面我们可以获得7天的无功能限制使用版:!.htmlOrastress!需要在windows上运行,你需要安装Oracle客户端.收到Key以后,注册方式如下:C:orabm>orastress! Serial: D5F8-C0A0After receiving the key, install as follows by entering the Name and Key into the dialog box that displays when you run:C:orabm>orastress! registerOrastress!需要的数据和orabm类似,你可以参考Orabm的安装方式.具体安装步骤如下:#OperationCommand1create the ORABM user (assumes TOOLS tablespace, TEMP temporary tablespace)sqlplus system/pwd @orabm_user2create the tablessqlplus system/pwd @orabm_tab3load the data$ orabmload Warehouses n4create the indexessqlplus system/pwd @orabm_ind5analyze the tables and indexessqlplus system/pwd @orabm_analyze6Ensure ORABM can run the DBMS_LOCK package As SYS run:GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_LOCK TO ORABM注重:这里构建的假如是10个Warehouses的数据,那么大约需要1G的空间.这里我建议对单节点数据库分别采用1,2,3,5,10个Warehouses进行1,2,4,6,10个并发的50000个事务的测试.对于多节点RAC建议采用1,2,3,5,10个Warehouses进行1,3,4,7,10个并发的50000个事务的测试.这一部分安装日志可以参考:安装日志得到测试数据以后,还需要运行如下脚本:sqlplus orabm/orabm@<your-TNS-alias> @orastress_tab.sqlsqlplus orabm/orabm@<your-TNS-alias> @orastress.plhsqlplus orabm/orabm@<your-TNS-alias> @orastress.plb日志参考:windows日志命令行执行方式如下:orastress! –s sess-iterations-list –t transacts-per-sess –c tns-alias-list –m mode [ -s batchsize]这里需要如下参数:-s 指定session数量-t 指定每个session执行的事物数量.-c 指定联结串-m 指定运行模式.包括Read OLTP INS DIO-s 指定对于INS或DIO模式下提交批量,缺省是10000里Note: 假如 Orastress! 对单个Warehouse运行在read模式,那么代码执行和orabm相同.对于四种运行模式说明如下:READ:Runs the identical read-only workload as Orabm to stress CPU and memory.OLTP:Uses all five TPC-C transactions: New-Order, Order-Status, Payment, Stock-Level and Delivery, in order to generate a mixed-transaction (SQL INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) OLTP workload which stresses CPU, memory, and I/O. INS:Runs an I/O intensive SQL INSERT workload by copying rows into the ITEM_INS table from the TPC-C ITEM table. DIO:Runs an I/O intensive direct-path INSERT workload by copying rows into the ITEM_DIO table from the TPC-C ITEM table. 以下是一些运行举例:Example 1:orastress! –s 1 –t 50000 –c –m oltpRun one iteration - comprising 50000 transactions in 1 session - against进行一组测试,通过一个session,包含50000个事务,对inst1.world数据库进行测试.Example 2:orastress! –s 2 –t 50000 –c, –m oltpRun one iteration comprising 2 concurrent sessions of 50000 transactions on each of, giving a total of 4 concurrent sessions.The location of the instances specified by, is entirely down to the user. They could be:运行一组测试,对两个数据库(,各发出两个并发session,每个session运行50000个事务,这两个数据库可以是:·2 instances of a RAC cluster·different non RAC instances on the same server·different non RAC instances on different servers (e.g. one on Linux, one on Solaris)Example 3:orastress! –s 1,2,4 –t 50000 –c inst1,inst2,inst3,inst4 –m readRun 3 iterations each of 50000 transactions on each of four instances: inst1, inst2, inst3 and inst4, where the number of concurrent sessions in each iteration is:运行3组测试,分别以1,2,4个并发session对四个实例,各执行50000个事务:1st iteration: 1 concurrent session on each instance, giving 4 sessions total2nd iteration: 2 concurrent sessions on each instance, giving 8 sessions total3rd iteration: 4 concurrent sessions on each instance, giving 16 sessions Results Output--输出结果:Output is very similar to Orabm, showing the transactions per second for each session in each iteration and the transaction split between the five TPC-C transactions for OLTP mode:输出结果和orabm非常类似,具体参考: mode=oltp sess=1 txn=5000 TNS=l Fri Sep 19 22:11:06 2003LXD1.WORLD #1 w=3 txn(all)=5000 xn(sam)=3999 t(sam)=431 tps=92.8 end=190903-12:25:39---end - Fri Sep 19 22:20:19 2003在这里简单说明一下:对于Benchmark测试来说,最重要的是标准,假如大家有统一的模型及标准,那么测试数据也就有了意义,否则以不同的并发、数据进行各不相同的测试是不具有太大意义的.标准、比较、参考,这对于测试来说是最重要的.这里有一篇文章可供参考:性能测试指标介绍以下给出我的一些测试数据:1.10个Warehouse的测试数据E:OraDocORACLE~4BENCHM~1ORASTR~1>'orastress!.exe' -s 1 -t 300 -c hsbill -m oltp---begin mode=oltp sess=1 txn=300 TNS=hsbill Thu Sep 30 10:35:09 2004HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=3 txn(all)=300 xn(sam)=239 t(sam)=120 tps=2 d=13(5.4%) n=102(42.7%) o=6(2.5%) p=112(46.9%) s=6(2.5%) end=300904-10:34:38---end - Thu Sep 30 10:37:39 2004E:OraDocORACLE~4BENCHM~1ORASTR~1>'orastress!.exe' -s 2 -t 300 -c hsbill -m oltp---begin mode=oltp sess=2 txn=300 TNS=hsbill Thu Sep 30 10:41:40 2004HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=4 txn(all)=300 xn(sam)=239 t(sam)=469 tps=.5 d=12(5%) n=103(43.1%) o=13(5.4%) p=101(42.3%) s=10(4.2%) end=300904-10:47:25HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=4 txn(all)=300 xn(sam)=239 t(sam)=314 tps=.8 d=11(4.6%) n=92(38.5%) o=10(4.2%) p=119(49.8%) s=7(2.9%) end=300904-10:47:51---end - Thu Sep 30 10:50:51 2004E:OraDocORACLE~4BENCHM~1ORASTR~1>'orastress! .exe' -s 2 -t 3000 -c hsbill -m oltp---begin mode=oltp sess=2 txn=3000 TNS=hsbill Thu Sep 30 11:26:02 2004HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=8 txn(all)=3000 xn(sam)=2399 t(sam)=4991 tps=.5 d=109(4.5%) n=1016(42.4%) o=116(4.8%) p=1050(43.8%) s=108(4.5%) end=300904-13:09:23HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=4 txn(all)=3000 xn(sam)=2399 t(sam)=5432 tps=.4 d=87(3.6%) n=997(41.6%) o=128(5.3%) p=1070(44.6%) s=117(4.9%) end=300904-13:13:50---end - Thu Sep 30 13:16:51 2004 2.5个warehouse的测试数据E:OraDocORACLE~4BENCHM~1ORASTR~1>'orastress!.exe' -s 2 -t 300 -c hsbill -m oltp---begin mode=oltp sess=2 txn=300 TNS=hsbill Thu Sep 30 15:48:20 2004HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=2 txn(all)=300 xn(sam)=239 t(sam)=13 tps=18.4 d=7(2.9%) n=97(40.6%) o=9(3.8%) p=119(49.8%) s=7(2.9%) end=300904-15:45:40HSBILL.HURRAY.COM.CN#1 w=5 txn(all)=300 xn(sam)=239 t(sam)=19 tps=12.6 d=7(2.9%) n=97(40.6%) o=11(4.6%) p=112(46.9%) s=12(5%) end=300904-15:45:47---end - Thu Sep 30 15:48:47 2004