很多时候由于异常或程序错误会导致个别进程占用大量系统资源,需要结束这些进程,通常可以使用以下命令Kill进程:alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';
但是此命令释放资源极为缓慢,具体可以参考:Oracle中Kill session的研究.为了更快速的释放资源,通常我们使用如下步骤来Kill进程:1.首先在操作系统级kill进程2.在数据库内部kill session这样通常可以快速中止进程,释放资源。
今天就遇到这样一个案例,其他朋友在数据库里kill session,可是长时间仍无效果:[oracle@danaly ~]$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 27 11:09:50 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.; All rights reserved.
Connected to:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Data Mining Scoring Engine options
SQL> select sid,username,status from v$session;
SID USERNAME;;;;STATUS---------- ------------------------------ --------.... 154 SCOTT; KILLED...
30 rows selected.
那按照我前面提到的步骤,首先查询得到该session对应的OS进程号:SQL> select 'kill -9 '||spid from v$process where addr = (select paddr from v$session where sid=&sid);Enter value for sid: 154old1: select 'kill -9 '||spid from v$process where addr = (select paddr from v$session where sid=&sid)new1: select 'kill -9 '||spid from v$process where addr = (select paddr from v$session where sid=154)
'KILL-9'||SPID--------------------kill -9 22702
SQL> !
在操作系统级kill该进程:[oracle@danaly ~]$ ps -ef|grep 22702oracle22702;;1; 0 Oct25 ?;;;;;00:00:02 oracledanaly (LOCAL=NO)oracle12082 12063; 0 11:12 pts/1;00:00:00 grep 22702[oracle@danaly ~]$ kill -9 22702[oracle@danaly ~]$ ps -ef|grep 22702oracle12088 12063; 0 11:12 pts/1;00:00:00 grep 22702[oracle@danaly ~]$ exitexit
SQL> select sid,username,status from v$session;
SID USERNAME;;;;STATUS---------- ------------------------------ --------... 154 SCOTT; KILLED...
30 rows selected.
SQL> select sid,serial#,username from v$session where sid=154;
SID;SERIAL# USERNAME---------- ---------- ------------------------------ 154;;;56090 SCOTT
再次在数据库中kill该session,并指定immediate选项:SQL> alter system kill session '154,56090' immediate;
System altered.
SQL> select sid,serial#,username from v$session where sid=154;
no rows selected