错误:未设置任何响应。适用于Google Assistant的操作的云功能

如何解决错误:未设置任何响应。适用于Google Assistant的操作的云功能?





function userInfoNotFound( conv, params, granted ){ // Note: Currently, precise locaton only returns lat/lng coordinates on phones and lat/lng coordinates // and a geocoded address on voice-activated speakers. // Coarse location only works on voice-activated speakers. conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({ speech:’Sorry, I Could not find you’, text: ’Sorry, I Could not find you’ })) conv.ask(new Suggestions([’Locate Me’, ’Back to Menu’,’ Quit’]))}function userInfoFound( conv, params, granted ){ const permission = conv.arguments.get(’PERMISSION’); // also retrievable with explicit arguments.get console.log(’User: ’ + conv.user) console.log(’PERMISSION: ’ + permission) const location = conv.device.location.coordinates console.log(’Location ’ + JSON.stringify(location)) return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ){ // Reverse Geocoding geocoder.reverseGeocode(location.latitude,location.longitude,(err,data) => { if (err) {console.log(err)reject( err ); } else {// console.log(’geocoded: ’ + JSON.stringify(data))console.log(’geocoded: ’ + JSON.stringify(data.results[0].formatted_address))conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({ speech:’You currently at ’ + data.results[0].formatted_address + ’. What would you like to do Now?’, text: ’You currently at ’ + data.results[0].formatted_address + ’.’}))conv.ask(new Suggestions([’Back to Menu’, ’Learn More’, ’Quit’]))resolve() } }) });}function userInfo ( conv, params, granted) { if (conv.arguments.get(’PERMISSION’)) { return userInfoFound( conv, params, granted ); } else { return userInfoNotFound( conv, params, granted ); }}解决方法

我正在使用 Dialogflow* , Cloud Functions 和新的 NodeJS Client Library V2for Google on Actions 为Google Home 构建一个 助手应用程序。实际上,我正在将用V1构建的旧代码迁移到V2。 ***


我正在尝试使用两个单独的意图来获取用户的位置:(Request Permission触发/向用户发送许可请求的UserInfo意图)和(检查用户是否已授予许可,然后返回助手请求继续的数据的意图。







const {dialogflow,Suggestions,SimpleResponse,Permission} = require(’actions-on-google’) const functions = require(’firebase-functions’); const geocoder = require(’geocoder’); const app = dialogflow({ debug: true }); app.middleware((conv) => {conv.hasScreen = conv.surface.capabilities.has(’actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT’);conv.hasAudioPlayback = conv.surface.capabilities.has(’actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT’); }); function requestPermission(conv) {conv.ask(new Permission({ context: ’To know who and where you are’,permissions: [’NAME’,’DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION’]})); } function userInfo ( conv,params,granted) {if (!conv.arguments.get(’PERMISSION’)) { // Note: Currently,precise locaton only returns lat/lng coordinates on phones and lat/lng coordinates // and a geocoded address on voice-activated speakers. // Coarse location only works on voice-activated speakers. conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({speech:’Sorry,I could not find you’,text: ’Sorry,I could not find you’ })) conv.ask(new Suggestions([’Locate Me’,’Back to Menu’,’ Quit’]))}if (conv.arguments.get(’PERMISSION’)) { const permission = conv.arguments.get(’PERMISSION’); // also retrievable with explicit arguments.get console.log(’User: ’ + conv.user) console.log(’PERMISSION: ’ + permission) const location = conv.device.location.coordinates console.log(’Location ’ + JSON.stringify(location)) // Reverse Geocoding geocoder.reverseGeocode(location.latitude,location.longitude,(err,data) => {if (err) { console.log(err)}// console.log(’geocoded: ’ + JSON.stringify(data))console.log(’geocoded: ’ + JSON.stringify(data.results[0].formatted_address))conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({ speech:’You currently at ’ + data.results[0].formatted_address + ’. What would you like to do now?’,text: ’You currently at ’ + data.results[0].formatted_address + ’.’}))conv.ask(new Suggestions([’Back to Menu’,’Learn More’,’Quit’])) })} } app.intent(’Request Permission’,requestPermission); app.intent(’User Info’,userInfo); exports.myCloudFunction = functions.https.onRequest(app);

