#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;const string& Func(){ return '123';}int main(){ string s = Func(); cout << s << endl; return 0;}
const 引用不是会提升临时变量的生命期吗? 为什么返回函数内的临时变量会报错了? 我对const引用的理解哪里错了吗?
#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;const string& Func(const string& s){ return s;}int main(){ string s = Func('123'); cout << s << endl; return 0;}
但是这段代码就可以了。 Func函数参数绑定到一个临时变量,然后返回这个临时变量的const引用,就没有问题?why?
Whenever a reference is bound to a temporary or to a base subobject of a temporary, the lifetime of the temporary is extended to match the lifetime of the reference, with the following exceptions:
a temporary bound to a return value of a function in a return statement is not extended: it is destroyed immediately at the end of the return expression. Such function always returns a dangling reference.
a temporary bound to a reference member in a constructor initializer list persists only until the constructor exits, not as long as the object exists. (note: such initialization is ill-formed as of DR 1696)
a temporary bound to a reference parameter in a function call exists until the end of the full expression containing that function call: if the function returns a reference, which outlives the full expression, it becomes a dangling reference.(until C++14)
a temporary bound to a reference in the initializer used in a new-expression exists until the end of the full expression containing that new-expression, not as long as the initialized object. If the initialized object outlives the full expression, its reference member becomes a dangling reference.
In general, the lifetime of a temporary cannot be further extended by 'passing it on': a second reference, initialized from the reference to which the temporary was bound, does not affect its lifetime.
回答2:第一段程序main方法: 改为:const string s = Func();
const string& Func(){ return '123'; // 返回定义在函数 Func 里的局部变量 '123',是未定义行为。} // 变量 '123' 在此处被销毁int main(){ string s = Func(); // s 指向已被销毁的变量 cout << s << endl; return 0;}
const string& Func(const string& s){ return s; // 返回函数外定义的变量的引用 s}int main(){ string s = Func('123'); // s 指向定义在函数 main 里的局部变量 '123' cout << s << endl; return 0;} // 变量 '123' 在此处被销毁回答4:
#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;const string& Func(){ return '123';}int main(){ string s = Func(); cout << s << endl; return 0;}
这段代码确实会报错,但是只要把 const string& Func() 中的 & 去掉就可以了。出错的原因并不是'123'在栈中,当函数返回时出栈导致的错误。而是,'123'本身是在静态数据区的,当函数返回时实际返回的是'123'在静态数据区的地址,该地址在函数Func中是局部变量(在栈中),此时,我们使用引用类型返回该局部变量的(但是,会发生出栈操作),我们的引用变量被释放了,就会出错。但是,如果我们不使用 & ,返回的时候我们实际得到的是地址值的中间变量(函数的非引用返回值都会保存在中间变量中),此时栈操作是不影响我们获取正确的地址值的。